PIANO RECITAL with works by Aperghis, Messiaen, Tsangaris (WP), Shlomowits (GP)
Actress: Athina Alexopoulou
After the lasting impression made by the tribute to Olivier Messiaen in 2019, Onassis STEGI once again joins forces with the ATHENSConservatoire for a tribute to Georges Aperghis’s music theater universe. The composer Nicolas Tzortzis, who studied under Aperghis and masterminded the entire program for the tribute, will lead a team of musicians, actors, and dancers in the creation of a new version of “Énumérations” (1988) based, of course, on Aperghis’s original work (26.3). Françoise Rivalland, percussionist and close collaborator of Aperghis’s, will teach a master class on his works for music theater works in addition to participating in a concert for voice, percussion, and accordion with Angèle Chemin and Vincent Lhermet (27, 28/3). Lenio Liatsou, who recently recorded Aperghis’s works for piano, will perform a recital. The tribute will close with a concert by participants in the master class (29/3). For the first time in Greece, Aperghis, along with his hand-picked collaborators, will teach his oeuvre to a younger generation of artists.